Home of Wasabi Air Racing

Elliot Seguin and Jenn Whaley's Formula One class air race team based out of Mojave, California. Pylon racing at the National Championship Air Races in Reno Nevada. Eight airplanes racing head to head around telephone poles in the desert. Mojave is the best place on the planet to build and modify a race plane, and Wasabi is lucky to have the best support in the business.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Tomorrows record attempt

Hey Guys,

Tomorrow Justin Gillen, Jenn Whaley, Rick Poe and I are leaving for Stead to attend the 2015 Pylon Racing Seminar (rookie school).  We are flying two bad ass airplanes up (Tangotimemachine and the GT400), and attempting to set two records while we are at it (point to point, MHV to RTS, C1b/C1c).

I can't decide what I am more pumped about, that two good friends who have helped Jenn and I make Wasabi what it is are going to get their race tickets, or that we have an opportunity to get Ralph Wise and his GT-400 in the record books.  Either way it is going to be awesome and I am pumped.

Attached are some pictures of some of the preparation building up to these attempts.

You can follow along on tomorrows flight on our spot page (link).  We plan to launch after lunch (1:30 PST).

Wish us luck!!

Airplanes are cool,