Home of Wasabi Air Racing

Elliot Seguin and Jenn Whaley's Formula One class air race team based out of Mojave, California. Pylon racing at the National Championship Air Races in Reno Nevada. Eight airplanes racing head to head around telephone poles in the desert. Mojave is the best place on the planet to build and modify a race plane, and Wasabi is lucky to have the best support in the business.

Monday, June 30, 2014

A New Legacy

Hey Guys

Jenn, Justin, and I have been having a lot of fun helping out Andy Chiavetta and Jon Hadlich with the flight test work on this new Legacy.  The airplane was built by Austin Willis with a lot of the Aero Chia mods.  It is a total rocket ship!

Justin Gillen chased the first flight.  With ground support by Jenn Whaley, Andy Chaivetta, and Jon Hadlich.

What a great airplane!
Jon Hadlich, Andy Chiavetta, Elliot Seguin, Justin Gillen